About us

Started in Palo Alto, California, in 2020 during the height of the Pandemic as a fun way to keep our sanity with a passion for Retro style games!

Yes, we started our business in a converted attic … not the atypical garage of yonder start-up lore, ‘cause we think a little differently! 

We’re a small Indie Game Development shop with a passion for creating retro inspired games that are fun to play and engaging!

Daft Trek is our first release that takes inspiration for many of our favorite games in the 70’s, 80’s and early 90’s. 

This first release is a side scroller, but we have many ambitions to make it into a fully networked multiplayer game with GenAI generated maps to make it an expansive MMORPG & Builder game, yet keep the pixel art style of the 80’s for that retro look!